#COP27Norwood Community Conversation
Sunday 13 November 2022, The Portico, 23B Knights Hill, Norwood, London SE27 0HS
No need to travel to Egypt - after the Global Day of Action on Sat 12 November, here in West Norwood we will discuss locally how we can all make a difference at grass roots level that doesn't cost us, quite literally, the earth.
How is the cost of living crisis affecting your own aims to live more sustainably?
What is important to you and your family?
This is a free, open, friendly and relaxed event with invited guests, where we can all share our ideas, experiences and concerns
Families and young adults are very welcome
Reserve your place here - this especially helps us to prepare the agenda and to organise the space
#COP26Norwood Community Conversation
Saturday 6 November 2021, South London Theatre
Over 40 local residents, businesses and Councillors came together and with invited guests we discussed a wide range of topics under the headings:
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Our Environment.
Here is the report of that discussion:
Please get in touch if you would like to be involved: info@norwoodforum.org
Whilst COP26 is on in Glasgow, we will be publishing new stories every day - scroll down this page to read them - blogs to look at, news items, stats and studies.
COP26 in Glasgow is on from Sunday, 31 Oct 2021 – Friday, 12 Nov 2021 and right in the middle, we hosted our own COP26 right here in West Norwood #COP26Norwood on Saturday 6 November. A huge amount was discussed and everything will be published very shortly, so please check back here regularly.
CommunityConversation - click on images below to enlarge
#COP26Norwood Day Thirteen: Friday 12 November 2021
Its the final day of COP26Glasgow but really its the beginning of our #COP26Norwood actions as the deadline to have your say on Lambeth's Citizens Assembly on Climate Crisis Recommendations is Sunday 14 November.
You can find all the info on the Assembly here: https://beta.lambeth.
And here is the link to make your comments: https://
#COP26Norwood Day Twelve: Thursday 11 November 2021
We talked a lot about recycling at our recent #COP26Norwood event - the limitations, what we are not doing, what we could be doing better.
It's a start to get a good understanding about provision in our neighbourhood and starting with what we can recycle from home, here is a list of key information:
What can we recycle from home, including housing estates and flats above shops
What you can take to Vale Street, West Norwood, London SE27 9PA including how to book an appointment
Smugglers Way household way and recycling centre, also including how to book a slot
Soft plastic recycling at the Coop, listing what you can drop off there
Local recycling map, covers local shops and businesses with specific recylcling collections
#COP26Norwood Day Eleven: Wednesday 10 November 2021
It's transport day at COP26 Glasgow and this was an issue discussed at our own #COP26Norwood - especially lack of east west bus options, but also our much reduced train timetable. We also discussed provision of charging points for electrical vehicles and you can find Lambeth's installation programme for Autumn 2021 here, along with consultation on the recent Electric Scooter Trial, how to register your interest in an electric charging point, and the latest information on the recently expanded Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ).
Whilst all of this is moving in the right direction, do we think as a community, Norwood is seeing enough investment? Are your transport needs being met?
We plan to run another #COP26Norwood event early next year and transport will be one of the key topics.
#COP26Norwood Day Ten: Tuesday 9 November 2021
'We are more than just consumers, we are citizens, and the future does remain ours to make.'
Powerful words from Sir Tim Smit of the Eden Project at COP26 Glasgow.
You will remember Sir Tim presented a session for us at last years Wild Norwood Window Wanderland Festival - remind yourselves of his brilliant talk here, and watch him below at COP26Glasgow:
#COP26Norwood Day Nine: Monday 8 November 2021
Students 4 Sustainable Futures is a project run by students at our local Norwood School. Read the letter they sent to Cathy Twise, Lambeth's Director Education, Learning and Skills here.
#COP26Norwood Day Eight: Sunday 7 November 2021
Do you know we have a Zero Waste grocery store right here in West Norwood?
Sustenance was founded by Katie Pitts a local mum and environmentalist (amongst many other things) and her plastic free grocery shop is in West Norwood. Find out her latest news, including shop opening times and latest stock on Facebook: www.facebook.com/sustenancezerowaste or buy online here: sustenancegrocerys.co.uk/
#COP26Norwood Day Seven: Saturday 6 November 2021
We are on the map.
Today is a critical day for COP26 in Glasgow and all round the world, and Norwood is taking its place amongst the actions planned for today with our own #COP26Norwood event this afternoon.
#COP26Norwood Day Six: Friday 5 November 2021
Today in Glasgow is Youth and Public Empowerment Day
Here is Greta Thunbergs full keynote from the Youth4Climate Pre-COP26 event in Milan:
#COP26Norwood Day Five: Thursday 4 November 2021
Today is Energy Day in Glasgow - but what does that mean for us? We thought this was an interesting story from BBC Future Planet series:
Can we heat buildings without burning fossil fuels?
'When it comes to the transitions towards zero carbon, heating is a promising target. Cutting edge technology could make the ingoing energy more renewable and less wasteful. And more broadly, these designs are about tailoring heating systems to the environment around them, from pulling ambient heat from the sewers below, to taking note of the precise angle of the sun in the winter sky.
Rather than pitting our heating systems against the environment, they can be redesigned to make the most of it.'
Read the full story here
#COP26Norwood Day Four: Wednesday 3 November 2021
Our good friends at South London Botanical Institute have a whole programme of COP26 events including this evening's live on-line talk:
London’s Changing Flora; climate change or changing habits? with Dr Mark A Spencer FLS
The wild plants of Greater London are a dynamic community.
Over the last 150 years there has been a gradual loss of native and archaeophyte plants.
In many areas they have been replaced by communities of more robust survivors and neophyte plant communities. Today, the pace of change appears to be quickening. The probable causes for this change are diverse: new tastes in horticulture, pollution, changing land management and increasingly, climate change. This talk will explore the impact of these changes and consider the future of this city’s plant life.
Mark will be exploring the impact of these changes and consider the future of this city’s plant life.
One of several climate focused SLBI events to tie in with COP26
Dr Mark A. Spencer F.L.S. Forensic Botanist,Hon. Curator (Plants), Linnean Society of London, Scientific Associate, Natural History Museum, London Natural History Society, Vascular Plant Recorder, Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland, MIddlesex Recorder
This is our annual Hume Centenary Education Fund Lecture in memory of our founder A.O. Hume
Tickets: Donation please. Please book your free ticket here
COP26 DayThree: Tuesday 2 November 2021
Whilst World Leaders attending COP26 in Glasgow pledge to end deforestation by 2030, what can we do in our own small patchs of green?
This article from the RHS is one place to start: Water wisely, Care for your soil, Go peat-free, Plant a tree, Go plastic free
Read more on their top five planet friendly tips for autumn here
COP26 Day Two: Monday 1 November 2021
Sir David Attenborough at COP26 Glasgow:
COP26 Day One: Sunday 31 October 2021
Natural History Museum
'The world's most important international climate conference, the Conference of the Parties, is being hosted by the UK this year in Glasgow and begins tomorrow. The event will see representatives from across the globe come together to negotiate the best ways of tackling climate change.
Follow our Live Blog to find out the latest developments as they happen, throughout the two-week conference.'
Their first blog has a great article on e-waste and fast fashion as well as an excellent explanation about what COP26 is all about.
And find their Live Blog here
Do we live in a 15min neighbourhood?
A 15-minute neighborhood is a place where you can easily access all of your day-to-day needs—like food, education and outdoor space (maybe even work)—within a 15-minute walk or cycle ride from your home. Do we live in a 15min neighbourhood?
We are celebrating September by showcasing the sustainable, local community we are all part of - and all the businesses and initatives that help to make our neighbourhood an even better place to live in.
This is also the space to share your own sustainable ambitions and projects - email them to: info@norwoodforum.org
COP26 Glasgow: 31 October - 12 November
As a culmination of our month of focus on all things environmental, Norwood Forum will be holding a public meeting with invited speakers - our own COP26 event right on your doorstep. More details to follow.
Wednesday 1 September - 15min Norwood
It's finally time for the 15-minute neighbourhood.
The pandemic has finally made the concept of living, shopping and working within walking distance not just realistic, but a good idea.
When smart city expert Carlos Moreno proposed the idea of a 15-minute neighbourhood at the COP21 conference in 2015, he was told it was an unrealistic utopia. Back then, it didn’t seem possible for people to live, shop and work within a 15-minute radius. Now, thanks to Covid, the notion isn’t so fantastical. Read the full story here
Thursday 2 September - Car Free Day and Play Streets
Car Free Day is Wednesday 22 September with most 'celebrations' happening on Sunday 19 September.
Are you going 'car free'?
It's a bit late to apply to close your own street for a Play Street but never too late to look ahead. Play Streets allow parents to reclaim their road for children to play in. You can apply for a temporary Play Street order to close your road for up to three hours per week or month. Play Street applications to Lambeth can be made here
London Play on Play Streets: /londonplay.org.uk/current_work/play-streets/ - and watch their video below
And more on London Car Free Day here: londoncarfreeday.com/
Friday 3 September - Orchard Action
Have you heard of Open Orchard?
It's a local project that connects communities through planting fruit and other trees in public places. These trees provide free fruit to local residents and greenery to our urban environments. They are planning a morning of action at the new and thriving orchard at Ladas Field (end of Ladas Road) on Saturday 4 September and everyone is welcome. Here is what is happening tomorrow:
Some of us will meet at 9am on the top of Norwood Park (behind the skating ground) to fill some large bags with mulch to bring to Ladas field via wheelbarrow and car at Finchley Avenue. Somebody with an additional wheelbarrow would be great for that part, to speed things up.
At 10am we will then start work at the Ladas Orchard:
Raking the cut grass - Dismantling the cages - Watering the trees - Cardboard and mulching around the trees - Pruning - Put back on the cages - Transport the grass cuttings to the Bzz garage for composting
There's also a beehotel we built at the Bzz garage (see pic below) that will be erected next to our orchard.
Please come along for a social and constructive morning session. Everybody is welcome.
Please let us know if you're planning to come so we get a better idea about numbers: openorchard.westnorwood@gmail.com
Please bring gloves and masks to protect yourself.
Saturday 4 September - Lambeth Horticultural Society
The Lambeth Horticultural Society was established in 1951 to promote gardening and growing. It is run entirely by volunteers, and they:
- Run flower shows in Spring and Summer each year, plus the Flower Show section of the Lambeth Country Show on behalf of Lambeth Council
- Visit some of the most important gardens in the South-East of England on coach day trips
- Organise talks about gardens and horticulture by some of the country’s most eminent Head Gardeners and garden designers
- Have a members’ shop – The Hut – with a huge range of quality garden supplies at discount prices
- Publish a Newsletter three times a year
This weekend is their Late Summer Flower Show - find out more here
All the details, including how to enter online or by post, are here
All are welcome - admission is free
Refreshments available!
Buy plants and gardening goodies!
Try to win a prize in the new tombola!
If you are planning to attend by car, please make sure you check out the new parking arrangements at St Luke's.
When: Saturday 4 September 2021 (2-5pm for public entry; from 9am for exhibitors)
Where: St Luke’s Church Knights Hill, London, SE27 0HS.
Further info.: the LHS website: www.lambethhorticulturalsociety.org.uk/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LambethHortUK
Twitter: twitter.com/LambethHortUK
Sunday 5 September - Lambeth Council - Two LTN Consultations - Railton Road and Oval to Stockwell
Lambeth Council are asking people who live, work and travel in the trial low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) to share their views by doing a survey. This is because they are considering making the changes permanent after monitoring the LTN and finding that it has been reducing traffic in the area.
Deadline to contribute your comments to these two consultations is 11 October.
Find all the information here: beta.lambeth.gov.uk/consultations
Monday 6 September - London Mayors' Walking & Cycling Commissioner
Did you know that London had a Walking & Cycling Commissioner?
'Delivering the Mayor's commitment to build back greener, cleaner and better.'
You can follow Will Norman on Twitter here: twitter.com/willnorman
Tuesday 7 September - London Emission Zones
London has two Emission Zones: Low and Ultra Low. What is the difference@
- The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) operates to encourage the most polluting heavy diesel vehicles driving in London to become cleaner. The LEZ covers most of Greater London and is in operation 24 hours a day, every day of the year. More here: tfl.gov.uk/modes/driving/low-emission-zone
- To help improve air quality, an Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year, except Christmas Day (25 December), within the same area of central London as the Congestion Charge. More here: tfl.gov.uk/modes/driving/ultra-low-emission-zone
From 25 October 2021, the ULEZ is expanding from central London to create a single, larger zone up to, but not including, the North Circular Road (A406) and South Circular Road (A205), so this will come right up to our neighbourhood.
Follow this link to find out if your vehicle meets the standards as well as lots of other useful information: tfl.gov.uk/modes/driving/ultra-low-emission-zone/ulez-expansion
Wednesday 8 September - Lambeth Friends of the Earth
Did you know we have a local branch of Friends of the Earth here in Lambeth?
Lambeth Friends of the Earth aims to help local individuals and groups with an interest in environmental activism to meet and work together.
They say: 'It’s our members who decide on the local, regional and global issues we tackle.'
Find out more on their website: https://friendsoftheearth.uk/groups/lambethfriendsoftheearth and follow them on social media:
Facebook: @lambethfoe and @FoELambeth
Thursday 9 September - Mayor of London
Sadiq Khan has a whole range of Envionmental strategies and initiatives - everything can be found in one place here: https://www.london.gov.uk/what-we-do/environment
You can sign up receive updates on environmental policy, projects, events and opportunities from the Mayor of London's environment team here: https://www.london.gov.uk/WHAT-WE-DO/environment/environment-newsletter
Friday 10 September - Power For People
Power For People is a not-for-profit organisation, campaigning for the UK to rapidly transition to 100% clean energy and for this to benefit local communities.
Watch these two short animations:
The first explains the problem the campaign is trying to solve and the huge potential of clean community energy:
And the second - How to get involved with the campaign and tips on how to help stop the climate crisis, including how to write to and meet with your MP to ask them to support the Local Electricity Bill:
Website for loads more info: https://powerforpeople.org.uk/
Saturday 11 September - Plastic Free West Norwood
Plastic Free West Norwood is a local Facebook group for people, schools, businesses and organisations who would like to reduce the level of plastic waste we create in our homes, high streets and local community. The page provids support, guidance and advice on how to use, re-use and avoid plastic in our day to day lives and move towards a more sustainable future!
Find the group here: Plastic Free West Norwood
Sunday 12 September - Norwood Green Spaces
As part of last years 2020 Wild Norwood Festival we highlighted a different green story everyday - including focussing on the fantastic green spaces that have helped get us through these difficult pandemic times. Reminds yourselves of the loveliness that is: Peabody Hill, Norwood Park, Tivoli Park, Knights Hill Park and West Norwood Cemetery.
Monday 13 September - Recycling
Find local recycling points on the street and in local retailers using your postcode on the Recycle Now website: https://www.recyclenow.com/local-recycling
and don't forget Recycle Week 20-26 September!
Tuesday 14 September - Nature Vibezzz
Today we are focussing on local charity Nature Vibezzz.
Nature Vibezz work involves Environmental Education and Practical Nature Conservation sessions, programs, events and community projects. They also run high quality forest school activities for young people in London.
You may have taken part in their fantastic project run in Tivoli Park and Knights Hill Wood?
Memories, Heritage and Community of Knights Hill Woods and Tivoli Park: Starting in November 2017 this one and a half year old community project focused on the historical and natural heritage of Knights Hill Wood and Tivoli Park and included historic heritage research techniques, practical nature conservation and wildlife identification techniques. These techniques were taught in order to preserve the heritage and increase the wildlife biodiversity of Knights Hill Wood and Tivoli Park for future generations and were run via a series of free activities at both sites open to the general public and tailor made for youth groups / community groups / schools.
Keep up to date with Nature Vibezzz:
Website: www.naturevibezzz.org/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Naturevibezzz/
Twitter: twitter.com/NatureVibezzz
Instagram: www.instagram.com/john_naturevibezzz/
Wednesday 15 September - Lambeth's Citizens Assembly on the Climate Crisis
Lambeth held an independent citizens’ assembly on the climate crisis, to come together and work towards a consensus on how we reduce the borough’s carbon emissions. The assembly was made up of 50 randomly selected Lambeth citizens, who reflect the population of Lambeth. Participants heard evidence from different groups, including climate experts and local campaigns.
The recommendations from the Assembly have now been published and can be viewed online.
They want to know what you think: https://beta.lambeth.gov.uk/lambeths-citizens-assembly-climate-crisis
Thursday 16 September - Lambeth Environmental Services
Flooding · Air quality and pollution · Climate change impact and plans · Contaminated land · Animal welfare and pest control · Electric vehicles · Bidiversity · Trees:
One stop link for Lambeth Council info on all of these: https://beta.lambeth.gov.uk/environmental-services
Friday 17 September - Lambeth Rubbish and Recycling
From 1 October 2021, Lambeth’s rubbish and recycling services will be delivered by a new contractor. Part of this transition involves changes to the online forms used to book bulky waste collections, subscribe to our garden waste service, and request new or replacement bins.
Please visit these service webpages for more information: https://beta.lambeth.gov.uk/rubbish-recycling
Saturday 18 September - South London Botanical Institute
Founded in 1910 in Tulse Hill, the South London Botanical Institute has a beautiful botanical garden and runs a wide range of courses, workshops, school visits and events for all ages. A 'little gem of a place' where all are welcome to discover more about plants and the plant world.
Find out more about SLBI
Facebook @South London Botanical Institute
Instagram @slbi_323
Twitter @SLBotanicalInst
Upcoming events include the popular Open Garden on 30 September, 08:00 - 17:00 - book your place and find out more here: https://www.slbi.org.uk/events/
Sunday 19 September - #ShopLocal - Sustenance Zero Waste Groceries
Do you know we have a Zero Waste grocery store right here in West Norwood?
Sustenance was founded by Katie Pitts a local mum and environmentalist (amongst many other things) and her plastic free grocery shop is in West Norwood. She also has at Brixton Farmers Market on Sundays 9:00 - 14:00. Find out her latest news, including shop opening times and latest stock on Facebook: www.facebook.com/sustenancezerowaste or buy online here: sustenancegrocerys.co.uk/
Monday 20 September - Big Green Week 18-26 September
Great Big Green Week, is set to be the largest event for climate and nature ever seen in the UK. Across the week, communities and organisations up and down the country will be showcasing climate action and protection of green spaces before a major UN climate summit, known as COP26, hosted in Glasgow this November. Those involved hope to pressure governments at home and abroad to raise ambition on plans to tackle climate change.
Thousands of events are happening ranging from concerts to community stalls at the heart of communities and that includes events in Lambeth - find the full schedule here: love.lambeth.gov.uk/great-big-green-week/
Tuesday 21 September - Bike is Best Campaign
Bike is Best is a campaign to encourage cycling. What do they do?
'Hundreds of thousands of people already enjoy riding their bikes, we are inviting you to join them. Make a pledge to give cycling a go, or offer your support to others, so more people can discover why Bike Is Best.'
Their website is full of practical information including on: fitness, practicality, confidence and repairs - find their website here: www.bikeisbest.com/
Wednesday 22 September - Car Free Day
22 September is World Car Free Day, when all around the world towns and cities allow people to experience streets free of motor traffic.
It's a great chance to re-imagine our streets around people.
And in reality Car Free Day is going to be much more celebrated over the coming weekend - but in the meantime, Living Streets, the UK Charity for Everyday Walking, is a terrific resource of news and ideas:
'We want a nation where walking is the natural choice for everyday local journeys.
Our mission is to achieve a better walking environment and inspire people to walk more.
One street, one school, one step at a time.'
Thursday 23 September - #ShopLocal - Nason
Nason is a premium, independent and exclusive fashion brand based in West Norwood. They believe:
' ... that when clothing is made consciously, it’s made to last #ForeverGarments. Future-proofed, authentically British clothing with a conscience. That means slowing things down. We focus on every detail, from where and how we source our fabrics to how our pieces are made. And we work with like-minded creators and craftspeople to ensure every item we produce is beautiful and of the highest quality. We’ll never make more than 200 of each item, with each piece individually numbered before it leaves our studio. And we’re committed to avoiding waste, only starting work with a network of specialist makers and collaborators once a minimum order quantity is reached. You may have to wait for your garment, but we promise that wait will be worth it.'
Also, read about their collaboration with Treepoints - who plant a tree for every item of clothing purchased from Nason.
Find out more about Nason online: https://nasonlondon.com/, Twitter: @nasonlondon
Friday 24 September - People Parking Day
The London Parklet Campaign are organising the first ever #PeopleParking Day on 25 & 26 September and would love for you to get involved. It's simple to join in – watch the video above or download their how to guide on their website here: londonparkletscampaign.wordpress.com/people-parking
If you can, share your plans ahead of the day #PeopleParking
Follow them on Twitter: @LondonParklet their website: https://londonparkletscampaign.wordpress.com/people-parking-day/ and Instagram: @londonparkletcampaign
Saturday 25 September - From Norwood to the Stars
The satellite Landsat 9 launches this coming Monday, 27 September 2021. This NASA project monitors the health of the Earth and works alongside the European Space Agency Sentinel project.
Urban expansion and water use are just two of the critical environmental issues that Landsat 9 will be gathering date on.
If you want to watch the launch, track the satellites path across the sky above your home, or delve deeper into the science, below are some useful links:
Sentinel missions
Landsat missions
Register to watch the Landsat 9 launch - live from your spot in the Universe (free)
Sunday 26 September - Lambeth Friends of the Earth
More info here: https://www.facebook.com/lambethfoe

Landsat 9 launch (see our Saturday 25 Sept story) is TODAY Monday, September 27!
Launch broadcast begins at 6.30pm UK time, actual launch time 7.11pm
Want to know the times in your location? See the launch and launch broadcast times.
Register to watch the Landsat 9 launch - live from your spot in the Universe (free)