• Norwood Forum

#healthygipsyhill - new small grants scheme for Gipsy Hill

We are delighted to launch a brand new funding scheme designed to enhance the health & wellbeing of (primarily) the residents of Gipsy Hill. Applications are sought now from organisations, especially local ones.

The scheme is part of a programme of innovative work being undertaken by Lambeth Council Public Health to improve health and wellbeing at a local neighbourhood level, particularly focusing on residents and communities that experience poor health and wellbeing outcomes. Norwood Forum is managing the scheme,

The Gipsy Hill area was selected by Lambeth Council Public Health as a pilot Hub site as this area experiences high rates of health inequalities. Gipsy Hill ward is one of the wards with highest levels of deprivation in Lambeth.  A recent review of data shows:

  • 44.9% from Black and Minority Ethnic background
  • Early deaths before 75 years old (premature deaths) are higher than Lambeth, South East London and England
  • Proportion of those reporting long term illness is higher than the Lambeth rate
  • Obesity at age 11 is similar to Lambeth but higher than England, and could lead to increased risk of future long term conditions (CHD, stroke, diabetes etc)
  • High unemployment and income deprivation combine for poor mental health
  • Emergency admissions are above Lambeth rates
  • Residents are more likely to die from respiratory disease at all ages, compared to England

The scheme is live now, and full details are here on our dedicated web page: #healthygipsyhill

Applications are especially welcome from local grass roots organisations whose services primarily benefit Gipsy Hill residents and meet the other criteria. We are running an online workshop to assist potential applicants and are of course happy to answer questions. Everythng you need is on the above web page.