• Norwood Forum

Lambeth Council’s Climate Assembly ends

Lambeth Council's Climate Assembly of 50 residents has been discovering solutions to tackling carbon emissions in the borough across three themes: transport, businesses, and homes. 

Over the last two weeks, during Phase 2 of Lambeth’s Climate Assembly, the 50 residents have been discovering solutions to tackling carbon emissions in the borough across three themes: transport, businesses, and homes. During Phase 1, assembly members learned about the climate crisis and possible pathways to get to net zero which also provide co-benefits of improved livelihoods and reduced inequality.

The outcome of these learning and discovery sessions during the last and final week's Phase 3 was to recommend a set of principles, guidelines and actions for a borough-wide climate action plan.

However this is now the start of a citizen-led climate action plan for the whole borough, with assembly recommendations to be published next week. They will be presented to the Council in autumn and an action plan finalised by the end of the year.

You can read more here on the Love Lambeth website.