• Norwood Forum

AgeUK Lambeth - change to Covid-19 emergency help-line

The AgeUK Lambeth Covid helpline is closing down as they return to normal service. Their main number is still 0333 360 3700, but this is now their regular Gateway service instead of Lambeth's lockdown helpline for food bank vouchers and so on.
Also, from Monday 5 July they are reducing their operating hours to 10am to 4pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Please do still contact them if you have worries or problems relating to Covid - they are still here to help - but bear in mind it isn't an emergency service and you will have to leave a voicemail if you call out of opening hours, which now includes Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Remember AgeUK Lambeth are always there to provide all kinds of support, from benefits to housing, from things to keep you busy to giving you someone to talk to, so get in touch. They can still help with access to food banks and volunteer shopping, but not medical emergencies.

Find out more on their website: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/lambeth/