• Norwood Forum

Team Lambeth Volunteering news

Following on from the successful volunteer fair held at West Norwood Library & Picturehouse on 29 November 2023, Team Lambeth is highlighting a number of volunteering opportunities here in Norwood: 

The Open Orchard Project meets every Sunday at Bzz Garage on Rothschild Street (10:00am-12noon) to get various gardening done. They are also seeking a project co-ordinator and a digital comms. co-ordinator.

L’Arche, a community of people with and without learning disabilities, is looking for face painters and (amateur) photographers for their 'The Twelve Days of Christmas' Disco on 12 December 2023! They also need to loan Old Christmas Decorations and other equipment. 

Centre 70, our local Advice and Counselling service, needs one-to-one befrienders for local people as part of their new Wellbeing Service.

Also, the Cherry Groce Foundation would like volunteers with experience producing illustrations and animations to develop animated videos for their school presentations. 

Curious About Volunteering?  Speak to Team Lambeth in-person!

If you're interested in any of the opportunities you see above or would like to have a one-to-one in person with Lambeth Council's Volunteering Officer, they are available at Lambeth's Customer Cenre at the Civic Centre in Brixton on the first Tuesday of every month from 12pm-4pm. You can subscribe to the weekly Team Lambeth newsletter - see at end of the newsletter.